Upon receiving a proper DMCA notice, we will swiftly act to remove or restrict access to the specified content and proceed in accordance with the DMCA and applicable regulations. Please note, we may provide a copy of your DMCA notice, including your contact information, to the alleged infringer to aid in resolving the dispute. If you believe that content was wrongly removed or restricted, you may issue a counter-notification by submitting: A clear identification of the material that was removed or blocked and its location on the Site prior to removal. Your contact information (name, address, phone, and email). A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the removal or restriction was a result of a mistake or misidentification. A declaration consenting to the jurisdiction of the appropriate federal district court (or any jurisdiction applicable if you reside outside the U.S.) and agreeing to accept legal service from the original complainant or their agent. Your signature, either electronic or physical.